IUI: Emerging Perspectives in Glycobiology and Inborn Errors of Metabolism
You are kindly invited to the IUI symposium “Emerging Perspectives in Glycobiology and Rare Inborn Errors of Metabolism”.
Date: 14 June 2024, 10h00-16h30
Location: Auditorium O&N5, Campus Gasthuisberg Leuven
This symposium seeks to bridges the gap between early-stage and experienced researchers, providing a platform for emerging talent to present their novel findings. Emphasising this objective, the symposium unites the expertise of multiple esteemed research teams, including the teams of Gert Matthijs (KU Leuven), François Eyskens (University of Antwerp), Arnaud Vanlander (University of Ghent), Joris Delanghe (University of Ghent), Guido Bommer (UC Louvain) and Dirk Lefeber (Radboudumc, Nijmegen). The focus of this event is to highlight the research conducted by young researchers – PhDs and Postdocs – in the fields of glycobiology and rare inborn errors of metabolism, while also featuring insights from experienced guest speakers.
During a one-day program, young researchers will be able to showcase their research projects both in oral presentations as well as in posters. A poster sessions will be held during the lunch and will give doctoral candidates the chance to present their work to their peers in an informal manner.
Find the complete programme here
REGISTER HERE (registrations will close on 7 June)
Contact info: Charlotte Althoff (charlotte<dot>althoff<at>kuleuven<dot>be)
DATE14 June, 2024
Herestraat 49
3000 Leuven
Auditorium O&N 5 IUI: Emerging Perspectives in Glycobiology and Inborn Errors of Metabolism -