Meet the jury: ‘Development of E3 Ligase Ligands for PROTAC Design’, prof. Dr. Michael Guetschow

You are kindly invited to the Meet the jury Lecture ‘Development of E3 Ligase Ligands for PROTAC Design’ by Prof. Dr. Michael Guetschow (Pharmaceutical Institute, University of Bonn, Germany).

Date: Thursday August 29, 2024
Time: 11:00-12:00
Location: ON4 auditorium, campus Gasthuisberg, Leuven

Proteolysis-targeting Chimeras (PROTACs) are emerging and potential therapeutical molecules that use the ubiquitin-proteasome system to degrade the proteins that the PROTAC binds. Crucial part of the PROTACs are the ligands that recruit the E3 ligase, which ubiquitinylates the targeted protein of interest. In this lecture, Prof. Guetschow discusses recent efforts of his laboratory to develop novel E3 ligands.

About the speaker

Prof. Michael Guetschow has an interest in the development of protease inhibitors for therapeutically relevant proteases, including cancer-related serine and cysteine proteases, the main protease of SARS-CoV-2. Furthermore, his laboratory develops PROTACs in order to create new modalities for drug discovery.

If you would like to speak in person to Prof. Guetschow, please contact Steven<dot>Verhelst<at>kuleuven<dot>be