Meet the jury: ‘Impact of diet on microbial metabolism in the gut ‘ by prof. Tine Rask Licht

DATE & TIME: 5 July 2023, 14h00
VENUE: Auditorium Erik De Clercq, Rega institute, Campus Gasthuisberg

About the lecture

The lecture will focus on the relationship between diet, intestinal microbiota, and the immune system. The focus of the group’s research is on the effects of diet on composition, activity and genetic exchange in the gut microbiota, as well as on effects of the gut environment on resistance to pathogenic infections, and look at effects of whole food items as well as of prebiotic carbohydrates and probiotic bacteria.

About the speaker

Tine Rask Licht (Technical University of Denmark) is leading a research group focused on Gut, Microbes, and Health, with a primary focus on gut microbiota and food ingredients generating valuable insights that can aid in the development of healthy foods and ingredients, as well as innovative approaches to address diseases associated with the composition of gut bacteria.

Contac for more info: Anais Biclot (anais<dot>biclot<at>kuleuven<dot>be)