Meet the jury lecture: Skeletal muscle and exercise physiology in kids and young adults with cerebral palsy by prof Von Walden

You are kindly invited to the Meet the jury lecture on ‘Skeletal muscle and exercise physiology in kids and young adults with cerebral palsy’ by prof Von Walden.

Date: 20 March 2023 14h-15h
Location: Aula O&N5, Campus Gasthuisberg or via Livestream (please contact Marlies.Corvelyn<at>kuleuven<dot>be)

Skeletal muscle composition and function is altered in children and adults with Cerebral palsy (CP). Prof. von Walden and his research team have previously shown that this includes changes to the ribosome (protein factory of the cell) and the mitochondria (power house of the cell) with implications for muscle growth, maintenance and energy production. Their ongoing research has continued this line of research and expanded it to include local and system effects of factors secreted by muscle as well as applied exercise physiology in CP. In this presentation, Prof. Von Walden will present recently published material as well as ongoing research projects with preliminary data.

About the speaker

Prof. von Walden is an assistant professor of clinical muscle physiology at the Department of Women’s and Children’s Health of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm and is associated to the Pediatrics Department of the Astrid Lindgren Pediatric Hospital in Sweden. He is group leader of a multidisciplinary team focusing on molecular muscle physiology, muscular adaptations to physical activity and systemic effects of acute and chronic exercise in both children and adults. He is a well-established expert in ribosome biogenesis in health and disease with special attention to muscle physiology in individuals with cerebral palsy.

Contact info: Marlies Corvelyn (Marlies.Corvelyn<at>kuleuven<dot>be)


  • DATE
    20 March, 2023
    icon O&N 5
    Herestraat 49
    3000 Leuven
    PhD postdoc