Writing for non-peers and press
Purpose of this workshop – by Ann De Ron of FishGrowFeet – is to offer practical tools to write your own popular scientific blog, press release, opinion article, magazine article, leaflet, mail or other text. The workshop is also useful if you want to contribute to texts by press officers or (science) journalists.
Writing for non-peers or press is an interesting challenge. If you stick to an academic writing style and only translate the jargon and give some extra background, people will not read your text. But you do not want to be too simplistic either, so what to do?
This workshop starts from examples and your own text-to-be. It is hands-on: you will define a key message customized to your own audience, think about a suitable text structure and ways to attract your reader, give and receive feedback on text outlines of fellow participants.
More information is available here.
DATE04 December, 2023
Hasselt University
Martelarenlaan 42
Old Prison & digitally
Campus Hasselt -