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We are very happy to inform you that the registrations for the JDS ‘Complex Perspectives on Modern Heritage’ are open! This seminar is organized by Docomomo Belgium (Zsuzsanna Böröcz) and the University of Hasselt (Marie Moors), in partnership with the KULeuven, UAntwerpen and VUB and will take place in Hasselt (Belgium) on October 12, 2023.
The JDS follows the format of a debate and seeks to deepen knowledge and design skills of young researchers as its primary target audience by the crosspollination of academic knowledge and experiences of architects.
Content of the JDS is based on the first Winter Wednesday’s Lectures (WWL’s), organized by Docomomo Belgium between October 2022 and January 2023 These lectures focused on disputes regarding the preservation and (re)use of modernist heritage on the basis of complex examples from Flanders, which are explored in an interdisciplinary manner.
The two discussion sessions are based on a key-note lecture by dr. Eva Storgaard ‘INTERIORS REVISITED. The Re-Use of Modernistic Buildings Master Studio Interieur at the Faculty of Design Sciences of the University of Antwerp’, abstracts and supportive texts which will be distributed to the participants after registration. Presence in person is required.
This is a hybrid event, open to externals (online or in person) after registration. We encourage practicing architects with experience in modernist heritage projects to join our seminar.
Please note that registration is mandatory. Deadline for registration is September 22, 2023 by sending an email to and by indicating:
- Name
- Affiliation
- In-person/online attendance
- Email address
You are most welcome to join us!
Please, find the poster of the event here.