Meet the jury: What I learned in 15 years of geriatric EM research – Prof. Dr. Christian Nickel

Prof. Dr. Christian Nickel  from the Emergency Department, University Hospital Basel (Basel, Switzerland) will give a meet the jury lecture on “What I learned in 15 years of geriatric EM research”

Date: 24 May 2023, 9.00 am – 10.00 am

Venue: Room Hergé (Gasthuisberg\Purple street\Niv 1) Campus Gasthuisberg, UZ Leuven Herestraat 49 3000 Leuven

About the speaker

Prof.  Nickel is a Chief Physician at The University Hospital Basel. He is specialized in Emergency Medicine. His research interests are Geriatric, Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Clinical Research, Healthcare Management, Medical Education, Clinical Trials


Host: Prof. Dr. Marc Sabbe (marc<dot>sabbe<at>uzleuven<dot>be)
This seminar will be held in the context of the public PhD defense of Farah Islam, for which Prof. Dr. Christian Nickel is assigned as jury member.